LunchBox is a plug-in for Grasshopper for exploring machine learning, mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and workflow.
Hoopsnake is a component that enables feedback loops within Grasshopper. What it does in principle is to create a copy of the data it rec
Parametric Ship Structural Design
Professional parametric jewelry software for Rhino 7 & 8, with more than 100 tools for Rhino and Grasshopper to design complex models in a very easy and fast way.
Biber is a plug-in for Rhino-Grasshopper which enables Parametric Joinery.
Artisan Jewelry - RhinoArtisan 5.4
Created by RhinoGold's founder, RhinoArtisan offers over 15 years of innovation in one powerful plugin for jewelry designers and manufacturers, with clients worldwide.
With Planmaker, drafting plans and making changes have never been easier.
Termite Nest
Termite is the kind of animal that is well known for its Nest. Termite provides Generative spatial planning with real-time parametric process
Curve-to-GCode for 3D printing
Armadillo is a plugin based on parametric arrays along path curves. It can create wide range of solutions
Firefly offers a set of software tools dedicated to bridging the gap between Grasshopper (a free plug-in for Rhino and micro-controllers like the Ard
With the Oricut Plugin, you can design Parametric Patterns for Origami, Kirigami & Auxetics. You can also get started by downloading the example files from our website.
Parametric House
A collection of useful Grasshopper clusters to make your Parametric Design easier. You can also open the clusters to learn more or download the example files from our Website.
Prospect by IrisVR: One-Click Immersive Collaboration
Create your own Virtual Reality experiences and VR meetings for Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Design in seconds
OpeningTools is a set of Grasshopper components to be used to create parametric windows and doors that can be used in VisualARQ Grasshopper styles or stand-alone.
Orbi is a plug-in for Grasshopper that generates patterns parametrically with symmetry groups.
This is the first release of Starfish plug-in that allows parametric generation of various patterns. It focuses on 2d tessell
Flywheel is designed to facilitate workflows in architectural design.The goal is to relieve designers from repetitive tasks and eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel constantly.
Blue Parametric
Blue is a highly experimental plug-in for parametric history automatic recording and complex data management, halfway between Rhinoceros standard
Lutralutra is .ghuser files for Grasshopper and Math Functional Surface Generator.
SpiderWeb is a .NET library providing functionality for preforming calculations on graphs. The library is created with a special focuse on the integra
Design Space Exploration
A suite of Grasshopper tools for visual, performance-based, multi-objective design space exploration
Songbird is a free to use parametric Multiscale Fretboard Generator for Rhino.