

Draw the name (or nickname of Grasshopper objects with Draw Icons mode on and enriches the capsules when you zoom in.
The Pufferfish is one of few animals which is capable of changing its shape. This plugin focuses on Tweens, Blends, Morphs, Averages & Interpolations.
Ladybug Tools
Ladybug Tools is a collection of open source computer applications that support environmental design and education.
Griddle 2.0
Griddle provides advanced meshing tools to operate on surface meshes and create structured and unstructured volume meshes for numerical modeling.
Welcome to Human for Grasshopper! Human extends Grasshopper's ability to create and reference geometry including lights, blocks, and text objects.
Heteroptera is an Always WIP addon, directed at Uncertainty, Network-Topology, Vector & Fields, DataFlow
Take a look at our Grasshopper Group Website. If you want to support the development of the Anemone,
Welcome Join QQ group 774632993or817397610; This plug-in is mainly used for the establishment of the curtain wall BIM model and the entire process of production
Bifocals ends the age-old debate of Icon Display vs. Text.  No matter what your preference, your students or tutorial watchers can follow along with clear, full name labels.
XNurbs Rhino Plugin
xnurbs.com - Revolutionary NURBS software.xNURBS Rhino Plugin V5.2 is available
Shortest Walk Gh
The ShortestWalk add-on for Grasshopper exposes one component which, given a network of curves and a list of lines, calculates the shortest route from
Starling mesh tools. These components enable mesh parametrization, so it behaves like a surface - you can evaluate points at any place etc. Is it ac
This plugin can add some addtional ui and menu to the components.
Enhanced button tools:Topmost rhinoview,Chop wires by box selection,AutoBackup gh files,Sort ribbon tabs,Plugin management ;增强按钮工具:框选删除,隐藏连线,单击连线,置顶窗口,自动保存,标签排序,插件管理等
Hoopsnake is a component that enables feedback loops within Grasshopper. What it does in principle is to create a copy of the data it rec
Bake geometry, annotations and blocks with user defined attributes and or Rhino attributes. Reference and filter all Rhino objects into GH.
Karamba3D is a parametric structural engineering tool which provides accurate analysis of spatial trusses, frames and shells.
Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library.
"Sunflower solar" is a plug-in running on rhino platform for real-time sunshine analysis and automatic statistic
Ivy is a Grasshopper add-on for mesh segmentation and fabrication.
This is the first release of my plug-in.Vipers is just a small plug-in for Grasshopper to derived some new functions,They are created because of
Rhino Mesh NGon methods for Grasshopper
Smart Unroll for Sheet Metal In Rhino
Unfold/flatten sheet metal model inside Rhino. You can create sheet metal model inside Rhino or import an sheet metal model, this tool will create a 2D drawing on XY-plane.
PanelingTools for Rhino and Grasshopper
Paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. Generate 2D and 3D cellular patterns over rectangular grids.
Mesh +
Mesh+ is a set of user objects which enable a wide range of mesh editing, creation, interaction, and topology modification within Grasshopper
With PlanFinder you can draw apartment floor plans quicker.
Mosquito - Media 4 Grasshopper
Mosquito is a plugin suite developed for Rhino and Grasshopper.
Block Edit New
A new plugin enhances origin block edit (also nested groups. And provides more block edit related functions.
Professional parametric jewelry software for Rhino 7 & 8, with more than 100 tools for Rhino and Grasshopper to design complex models in a very easy and fast way.
Simultaneously optimize geometry and topology of trusses.