Tetrino (or TetRhino is a .NET wrapper for the TetGen mesh tetrahedralization program.
Trim curve by curve
Allows to limit a curve by another curve in Grasshopper by a single component by taking inspiration from the Rhino "Trim" function
Solar Toolbox
Grasshopper tools realized for taking into account sunlight and solar energy as form generators in the architectural and urban design process.
calculates commonly used economic indexes in real time based on model elements根据模型元素实时计算常用的经济技术指标
Pop up to show the icon & name of param near cursor when GH elements are zoomed out and hidden on canvas (especially for long-distance wiring up
Provides components for building structural models to be analysed in Consteel, and two-way connection between Grasshopper and Consteel.
Gluttonous Snake
A super simple tool visualizes 3D printing path in grasshopper.
Generative design tool for architects.
A free suite of productivity tools to assist design of surface grading. Made by Landscape Architects.
Turtle is an open-source plug-in to handle ngon meshes in Grasshopper. It is though to be a common language among any plug-in that needs fast and m
Generates Ivy and plant 3D models.
Rhino Open Projects
Rhino Open Projects is a collection of tools for Rhino V developed for research projects by the Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in In
Islamic Ornament drawing assistant
获取格林尼治标准时间并换算成北京时间然后进行有效期判断。 Access to the GMT and +8 hours then check the validity.
Culebra.NET is a 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library focused on hybrid system interactions.
A gh-plugin for robotic arm programming.
Series of algorithms for: a Graphs b Aggregations c Iso Meshes
Use Google QuickDraw data inside of Grasshopper!
Qalico is a Grasshopper plug-in that optimizes floor plans using Quantum Annealing Technology.
Sky View Factor
Computes an estimation of the sky view factor on each pixel on a ground surface
Azure Kinect GH
Azure Kinect GH is a Rhino Grasshopper Plug-in that can read body tracking and point cloud data from Microsoft Azure Kinect DK.
METATOOLS Basic Design Tools (Release 2.0 Release Date: 6/1/2016
RADii allows you to broadcast and collaborate on Rhino content in real-time. Share and explore your sketches in VR/AR instantly.
1. Introduction Eyas is intended to enhance grasshopper by providing solutions to the user to allow grasshopper to be the central blank canvas for
Dhour: a bioclimatic information design prototyping toolkit
Dhour is a prototyping visualization toolkit which enables the situational development of information graphics. By enabling more nuanced and custom
Structural Engineer Modelling Tools
RUPA (Shape Grammar Design Assistant
RUPA is a set of tools for creating designs based on shape grammar formal method.