

Draw the name (or nickname of Grasshopper objects with Draw Icons mode on and enriches the capsules when you zoom in.
Welcome to Human for Grasshopper! Human extends Grasshopper's ability to create and reference geometry including lights, blocks, and text objects.
Enhanced button tools:Topmost rhinoview,Chop wires by box selection,AutoBackup gh files,Sort ribbon tabs,Plugin management ;增强按钮工具:框选删除,隐藏连线,单击连线,置顶窗口,自动保存,标签排序,插件管理等
Customize Grasshopper's GUI and toggle between your Custom GUI and Grasshopper's standard GUI.
Toggle Grasshopper's GUI between Dark Mode and Light Mode.
Draw User Texts
Automatically insert text annotations based on the curves' usertexts.
An all in One Solution For Python/Grasshopper Script and Package Management in Rhinoceros
Smart Menu for Rhino © by Rhinoforyou
Smart Menu for Rhino is a customizable, productive and "easy-to-learn" GUI tool for Rhino to facilitate the way to work with Rhino
GENERATOR is a fast and easy way  to visualize and interact  with generative shapes on the web,  connecting Grasshopper® to dat.
Release the Kraken - Graphic Chart making tools for Grasshopper and Rhino3D
Conduit is an open source plug-in authored by Proving Ground that enables designers to create custom data visualizations and heads up displays.
Lightweight Survey (BETA
This plugin allows your technicians to conduct a vessel’s full survey with a digital tablet and obtain an instant report of lightweight status.
Data Management and Property Reporting for Rhino Geometry
XPanel for Rhino
A Powerful Panel tool to remote control the Grasshopper file
Graphic user interface tools powered by cross-platform Eto.Forms
Framing Helper
A tool that allows user to easily use and match camera frames to the most common framing and composition rules.
Cicada is an under developing Plugin in order to using grasshopper as a MIDI-Controller.
Iris - Export Rhino Models to Web
Iris is a plugin to export Rhino models to the Web.Compatible with Rhino 6 and 7 for win
dows and macOS.
Brick Box
BrickBox allows to manage Grasshopper snippets from a canvas button which makes to drop and add snippets much faster
Neuron is a BCI toolset with little skills/knowledge requirement for (1 accessing EEG data and metrics; (2 creating BCI prototypes; (3 recording results for further analysis.
Hide or show geometry in Rhino that is referenced into the Grasshopper document.
Draw a box anywhere and clip you model view around it