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GENERATOR 是一种快速简便的方法
生成形状,将 Grasshopper® 连接到 dat.gui.js
BoltGen with Manuals and help for Rhinoceros (Windows and MAC
Create accurate Metric and English Bolts and Nuts in Rhinoceros
ykTools : for Curves, Excel, Zoom
ykTools is a small set of components which extend Grasshopper's ability to help some tiresome works. ykTo
Silvereye - PSO-based solver
Silvereye is an optimization add-on component based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO for Rhino’s Grasshopper.
Bridge Curves
Connects a given set of curves together by creating bridges between them. The bridges are created along the shortest path.
Customized solar rain-screen generator
Quickly layout and design customised solar facades as well as render them. This tool makes it easy to invisibly integrate PV in any project