The Pufferfish is one of few animals which is capable of changing its shape. This plugin focuses on Tweens, Blends, Morphs, Averages & Interpolations.
Heteroptera is an Always WIP addon, directed at Uncertainty, Network-Topology, Vector & Fields, DataFlow
CULEBRA (by Luis Quinones)
Voronoize Any Brep or Mesh.
Fast GPU-based physics simulation in Grasshopper supports free particles, fluids, rigid bodies, soft bodies, cloth, inflatables and custom constraints
PhysX.GH is a rigid body simulation tool for Grasshopper, using open source real-time physics engine NVIDIA PhysX.
SliderRemote - Slider Remote Control
A simple component that controls Grasshopper slider current (and optionally minimum and maximum values once they are referenced by their name.
Voxelizer provides a set of functions to voxelize a mesh.
Sculptured, organic modeling in 3D. SubD like interface, but advanced surfacing for high quality, geometrically rich shapes.
Linketix is a Live Physics Engine for simulating Mechanisms & Kinetic design.
Projection Camera
This component enables creating animation using parallel view mode. User can zoom in/out while updating camera positions.
Join Meshes with Similar Materials by Handaz
This grasshopper component joins meshes in Rhino with similar materials so that you can reduce the number of meshes in a scene
GENERATOR is a fast and easy way to visualize and interact with generative shapes on the web, connecting Grasshopper® to dat.
Culebra.NET is a 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library focused on hybrid system interactions.
Zebra is a live multi agent behavior system(also known as Flocking or Swarming. Used to achieve design goals using agents.
Use Google QuickDraw data inside of Grasshopper!
SimLab Composer Integration Plugin for Rhino
SimLab Composer integration plug-in for Rhino is a free tool that acts as a middle layer between Rhino and SimLab Composer app.
Azure Kinect GH
Azure Kinect GH is a Rhino Grasshopper Plug-in that can read body tracking and point cloud data from Microsoft Azure Kinect DK.
GENERATOR 2 is a smart and evolved way to explore and iterate generative shapes with Grasshopper®
Box2D is a 2D rigid body simulation tool for Grasshopper. It uses Box2D physics engine and a C# wrapper from colgreen/box2Dx.
Horse allows one to import, analyse and manipulate Motion Capture data.
Simple keyframe animation sequences for Grasshopper