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China Historical GIS (CHGIS) Introduction

The China Historical GIS (CHGIS) is a research project initiated by Harvard University, aiming to collect, organize, and analyze geographical data from China's history using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. This valuable resource provides scholars and researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the geographical changes throughout Chinese history.

Website Access

For those interested in accessing the CHGIS, the official website can be visited at https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chgis/.

Website Language

The primary language of the CHGIS website is English, with Chinese support to cater to a broader audience and facilitate research on Chinese historical geography.

Product Features

CHGIS offers a wide range of features including map browsing, data querying, and statistical analysis. It is primarily aimed at scholars, researchers, economists, sociologists, and environmental scientists, providing them with the ability to explore historical events in relation to geographical contexts.

Industries and Fields

The CHGIS project spans across various fields including history, geography, sociology, economics, and environmental science, offering interdisciplinary research opportunities.

Usage Scenarios

Users can access the CHGIS database through the online platform, which provides functionalities such as map navigation, data queries, and analysis. The platform also offers data download services for in-depth research.

Development and Maintenance

The CHGIS project is developed and maintained by a team of scholars from Harvard University, supported by various academic institutions and foundations to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the data.

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