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China Biographical Database (CBDB)

The China Biographical Database (CBDB) is an online relational database that focuses on biographical information of significant figures in Chinese history. It aims to systematically collect biographical data from the 7th to the 19th centuries and beyond. As of February 2024, CBDB has archived biographical information of approximately 535,181 individuals and continues to expand its collection, particularly for the Ming and Qing dynasties.

China Biographical Database (CBDB) - Comprehensive Historical Records from Harvard

Origin and Development of the Database

The establishment of CBDB dates back to Professor Robert M. Hartwell, who bequeathed the initial version of the database and other assets to the Harvard Yenching Institute after his passing in 1996. The project has since been overseen by Peter K. Bol, with a redesign by Jun Luo and senior project management by Hong Shu. The development is a collaborative effort between the Fairbank Center for Chinese Research at Harvard University, the Institute of History and Philology at the Academia Sinica, and the Center for Ancient Chinese History at Peking University.

Database Features and Applications

Data Visualization

CBDB offers data visualization capabilities, such as using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to observe the geographical distribution of historical figures. These tools are significant for understanding the regional background and influence of historical figures.

Research and Education

CBDB serves as a vital tool for historians and an important resource in education. It supports online system usage, provides options to download SQLite databases, and offers teaching and auxiliary files, facilitating scholars and students in research and teaching.

Academic Exchange

CBDB has organized multiple international academic seminars and workshops, such as the "Biographical Studies of Medieval China" international academic seminar (2007) and the "First International Workshop on Chinese Historical Biographical Database" (2008), promoting academic exchange and knowledge sharing.

Database Access and Use


Users can access CBDB through the official website, download the standalone database, and obtain teaching and auxiliary files. Additionally, CBDB provides APIs and linked data for in-depth data mining and analysis.

User Support

CBDB encourages user feedback on errors or issues encountered to improve the database's quality and user experience continuously.


The China Biographical Database (CBDB) is a valuable historical resource that provides rich data support for historical research and serves as a platform for education and academic exchange. As the database continues to expand and improve, it will continue to serve scholars and students worldwide.

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