Woodbee is a compact CAM plugin for Grasshopper currently focusing on the milling objects from planar sheets.
ZEBRA- Computing MOIRE animations
ZEBRA is a set of Tools to support and facilitate the design, simulation and realization of two and three-dimensional moiré animation installation
RUPA (Shape Grammar Design Assistant
RUPA is a set of tools for creating designs based on shape grammar formal method.
Kingfisher is a plug-in for sorting points, curves, and surfaces by coordinate system (X-Y-Z, also curves by their length, and surfaces by their area.
Center of Mass
Center of mass calculation for multiple objects of varying density.
Caterpillar is a plugin for unit conversion between different systems and units of measurement
String Art Generator
Translate one image into the format of string art.
VR-Edge is a Add-On where grasshopper users now can upload their parametric designs as VR-WEB.
goat is an optimization add-on component for Rhino's Grasshopper. It perfectly complements galapagos, David Rutten's evolutionary solver.
Embryo aims to apply genetic programming concepts to grasshopper, offering an alternative to manual graph generation
Provides additional components to explore, animate and fabricate generative shapes with Grasshopper®
Automatic mesher for thin-shell structures in Rhino
Nuada.CFD brings you Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD directly in Rhino!Developed by CORE studio this environment allows you to run CFD simulations from within Rhino
HMSection is a grasshopper plugin for the analysis of cross-sections created from polygon curves.
InHaus Tools
InHaus tools are simple-to-use configurators for basic furnitures.
TIE (Tensegrity Integration Element for Rhino
TIE ( Tensegrity Integration Element for Rhino is a tool to design tensegrity structure system.
3D Print validation
3D Print validation is consisted of two elements: area check and volume check.
Digital Terrain Model
This version generates a NURBS out of rectangular ASCII WGS84 EPSG:4326
Import and export IFC and (LandXML files directly from Grasshopper/Rhino.
Dictionary type in Grasshopper.
CAALA for Rhino
Your digital assistant for holistic design. CAALA is the first plugin for energetic, ecological and economical building optimization.
Simple way to print out the time it takes for any command to start and complete.