A small plugin enabling use of units in Grasshopper.
Raster to Vector converter available for Rhinoceros
glTF-BinExporter (deprecated
(deprecated Use the PackageManger to install the package `glTF-BinExporter` instead.The downloads here are out of date.Export objects to the glTF format.
Native OSC receiver for Coreus (Android application.
Mesh Mirror Cut
Trims a mesh at a plane then mirrors it over the plane and stitches the original + mirrored meshes together into one new clean symmetrical mesh.
SimLab JT Importer for Rhino
SimLab JT importer for Rhino plugin enables Rhino users to import their 3D models in *.jt file format. The plugin is supported on Rhino 5,and Rhino 6
The main functionality of this plugin is to combine points, lines, and surfaces to create spatial configurations, and it includes spatial syntax tools for analysis purposes.
FALCON is a set of User Custom Components for design and internal force evaluation of spatial truss structures in tension and compression.
Convex Mesh Builder
Convex Mesh Builder is a plugin that allows the creation of convex hull meshes in Rhino.
FluidRay is a fast & easy rendering software for architects, interior designers, jewelry designers, and product designers.
loop is a simple component to iterate generative shapes with Grasshopper®
Girih is a toolkit and pattern library for modeling Islamis geometric pattern.
Ibex is a terrain modeling plug-in that interfaces with ASCII files from ArcGIS.
MeshWrap lets you create wrapped meshes from NURBS geometry, SubDs and meshes. MeshWrap is built on top of the OpenVDB library
You can use the MinMash plugin to make parametric Animations in Grasshopper3d
DistanceParallel Command
DistanceParallel is a python command for Rhino that measures the distance between two parallel planar surfaces.
ghKomorebi is a plugin for real-time Power Spectrum Analysis of 2D- and 3D-generated geometry or external input data
NERO | Networking Environmental Robotics
This is the first release of free and open source add-on of NERO | Networking Environmental Robotics. NERO is a collaborative project lead by
Numerical Mapping Utility
Numerical Mapping Utility, addon for GH
Point Placer
A tool to create random points, vividly representing the 3D space of closed polysurface objects.
Provides specialized features for yacht/ship design. Adds hull design, hydrostatics, speed/power prediction, weight/cost tracking, and CFD.
Extra Buttons
Bombyx is a Grasshopper plugin for Life Cycle Assessment of buildings in early design stages.
DevSrf is a Rhino plugin for making developable surfaces
Detail Prints for Rhino 5.0
Create layouts quickly and simply in Rhino 5. A tabbed docking dialog that allows you to create layouts with your preferred settings.
This is the first "mtextur.com – Buildingmaterial-Hub with free CAD- & BIM-Textures for architecture and design" Rhino Plugin. The
Tetra is an add-on for tetrahedralization and remeshing based on the fTetWild library
Bella for Rhino
Bella is a spectral renderer for Rhino 6, 7, or 8 (on Windows or MacOS that combines remarkable realism with ease of use.
Brick Pattern
This is the first release of my plug-in to simulate the patterning in 3-D space, making the user able to develop the brick arrangement on a free-form
Super Image Sampler
Just the image sampler with input for the file path.