Kitsune by ParametricFox
Kitsune is a tool for creating parametric truss-grid domes, vaults and revolutionary surfaces, using coordinate-system transformations.
Includes general purpose components in math and geometry and fulfills missing necessities in Grasshopper.
Falcon is a plugin mainly for marker detection, Quaternion, Matrix calculation.
Penrose Tiling
This is the first release of my plug-in to generate Penrose tiling. This utility for Penrose Tiling exposes one comma
Kohonen Map
Generates a 2D Self-Organising Map from high dimensional input data (previously on grasshopper3d website.
Custom Graph Mapper
This is the first release of my plug-in for grasshopper 0.9.0070. This utility for grasshopper exposes five commands: First. Y values (Y
Brontosaurus is an open-source plug-in for Grasshopper (Rhino 6 created for the purpose of generating unit tests inside Grasshopper.
A toolbox for matrix algebra and robot.
Quokka is a software tool for connecting Microsoft Kinect with Grasshopper in Rhino. Quokka gives the ability to use the Kinect as a 3D scanner.
Discrete Vectors
Components for making discrete vectors out of continuous or random vectors. Good for turning swarms & curves into discrete straight line segments.
Geodesic lines on meshes (MeshPaths
MeshPaths is primary Grasshopper component for finding Geodesic paths (lines on meshes.
Populate Complex 3D
Populate closed brep including even complex geometry with points.
FractureHopper is an extension of GH for fractal math and chaos theory.
A collection of useful tools (some more some less so. I will be updating this as I continue to add new components.
Brep Extension components for Traversal & Topology Analysis.
Zebroid is a quick optimizer for Grasshopper, based on a newly developed hybrid metaheuristics. It optimizes architectural shapes or complex mathematical functions.
Marmot is a plug-in for Grasshopper which allows the user to generate floorplans by specifying required rooms, connections and areas.
Super Delaunay
2D Weighted Voronoi / Power Diagrams for Grasshopper
Quick and efficient way to explore radial symmetry. Draw on 1 axis and see your design instantly rotate chosen number of times around a chosen point.
spherene: a new class of minimal surface beyond the Gyroid. Autonomously create models for additive manufacturing, lightweight structures and efficient infills.
Machine learning in Grasshopper
Tunny is optimization component. Multi-objective optimization with constraints is supported; multiple algorithms such as BayesianOptimization, NSGAII, CMA-ES, etc. can be used.
Polynomial Roots
Tool to solve Polynomial Roots
Ellipse given 5 points v.1
A Rhinoceros plug-in for drawing an ellipse given 5 points
Bowerbird is a plugin for Grasshopper which provides tools for modeling.
A set of Fractal methods including complex plane, strange attractors and L-Systems
Plugin that allows the user to translate images to point clouds and back into images