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Dragon-Turtle 是一个紧凑的库,旨在最小化处理混沌系统所需的组件数量。例如,通过右键单击组件,您可以访问大量奇怪的吸引子类型。
该插件还具有一个草图抽屉,允许使用一系列预定义的字符关系绘制 L-系统:
M = 向前移动。
m = 向后移动。
R = 绕 X 轴逆时针旋转。
r = 绕 X 轴逆时针旋转。
P = 绕 Y 轴逆时针旋转。
p = 绕 Y 轴逆时针旋转。
Y = 绕 Z 轴逆时针旋转。
y = 绕 Z 轴逆时针旋转。
[ = 保存当前草蜢状态。
] = 从保存状态恢复草蜢。
V = 草蜢的值。这可以用作更高级的提笔和落笔功能
Dragon-Turtle 是 Cryptid 库的一部分。
Leopard is an open source mesh processing solution for grasshopper.
BoltGen with Manuals and help for Rhinoceros (Windows and MAC
Create accurate Metric and English Bolts and Nuts in Rhinoceros
Out of process definition solving using Rhino Compute
MutAnt generates aggregations based on the looping of rule sets influenced by boundary conditions of planar geometries.
Trim curve by curve
Allows to limit a curve by another curve in Grasshopper by a single component by taking inspiration from the Rhino "Trim" function
DotProduct DP Import
Free plugin to allow direct import of DotProduct .DP point cloud files into Rhino 4, 5 & 6.