HONG Chen's stairHONG Chen's stair
Create stairs in grasshopper
更新日期:2018年3月16日分类标签:grasshopper插件 rhino插件 windows软件 建筑grasshopper草蜢插件 rhino犀牛软件 插件下载 楼梯设计语言: 平台:
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PackRat is a 3D bin packing component
3D Print validation
3D Print validation is consisted of two elements: area check and volume check.
Robotic tool-path optimizer
The aim of tool-path optimizer component is to find a collision free solution for a given tool-path by rotating the tool about its rotary axis.
With Planmaker, drafting plans and making changes have never been easier.
Grasshopper to Modelo Exporter
This is the first release of Modelo plug-in to export geometry from Rhino/Grasshopper to Modelo. Simply watch our tutorial video from Vi