Takes a curve and set of numbers (lengths. Splits the curve using each number as chord. Returns points and parameters.
更新日期:2020年5月4日分类标签:grasshopper插件 rhino插件 windows软件 通用CurveChordSplitter rhino犀牛软件 插件下载 曲线分析语言: 平台:
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Block Edit New
A new plugin enhances origin block edit (also nested groups. And provides more block edit related functions.
HMC Automate
Utility architecture and design modeling components in Rhino/Grasshopper developed by Digital Practice at HMC Architects.
This is the first version of OpenNest add on.It packs outlines from 3D to 2D layouts.
Assembly Sequence Predictor
This component predicts an optimal assembly sequence of 3D trusses.The prediction is implemented by a novel machine learning model trained through reinforcement learning.
The ParaCamera plug-in assists in parametric control of Rhino's camera.It is possible to control not only the perspective view but also the parallel view.
Simultaneously optimize geometry and topology of trusses.