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Global Infrastructure Emissions Database (GID)

The Global Infrastructure Emissions Database (GID) is a comprehensive platform providing detailed carbon dioxide emission data for various sectors on a global scale. It includes sectors such as electricity, industry, residential, transportation, shipping, and aviation, offering high-resolution data at 0.1°×0.1° granularity for the year 2019.

Website Access

For in-depth analysis and data access, visit the official GID website at GIDmodel.org.cn.

Website Language

The GID website primarily presents information in Chinese but also supports English content, ensuring accessibility for a broader range of researchers and policymakers.

Product Features

GID's key features include its granular data resolution, global coverage, and a focus on sectors critical to understanding and addressing climate change. It serves scientists, policymakers, and organizations involved in climate research and carbon emission management.

Industries and Fields

The database covers a wide array of industries and fields, including but not limited to power, industry, residential usage, transportation, shipping, and aviation, providing a multifaceted view of global carbon emissions.

Usage Scenarios

GID facilitates research into global carbon emissions, supports the development of climate policies, and aids in the strategic planning for carbon reduction initiatives by offering detailed emission data and analysis tools.

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