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Introduction to BBBike - OSM Data Download Tool

BBBike is an online platform that offers a straightforward method for users to obtain and utilize OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. It is designed for a global audience and is particularly useful for those involved in geographic information systems, urban planning, navigation application development, and academic research.

Website Access

Visit the official website at https://extract.bbbike.org/ to start downloading OSM data tailored to your needs.

Website Language

While the platform's language is not explicitly stated, it is likely to support multiple languages to accommodate its diverse user base.

Product Features

  • Global Coverage: Supports downloading map data for over 200 regions worldwide.
  • Multiple Formats: Offers data in various formats including OSM, PBF, GeoJSON, SQLite, and Garmin.
  • Customizable Areas: Users can select preset city areas or define rectangular or polygonal areas for data export.
  • Regular Updates: Data is updated weekly to ensure users receive the most current map information.

Industries and Fields

BBBike covers a broad spectrum of applications, including GIS analysis, navigation app development, urban planning and management, and academic research in geography and urban studies.

Usage Scenarios

BBBike is ideal for:

  • GIS Analysis: Providing foundational map data for GIS projects.
  • Navigation App Development: Offering map base layers and route information for navigation software.
  • Urban Planning and Management: Assisting urban planners with map data for planning and management.
  • Academic Research: Supporting research in geography, urban planning, and related fields with necessary data.

Developer Information

The BBBike team consists of developers dedicated to map data services, offering a simple and fast way to access and use OSM data through the extract.bbbike.org platform.


BBBike's extract.bbbike.org is a powerful and convenient tool for exporting OpenStreetMap data, offering solutions for a variety of map data needs.

Reference Sources

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