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Wuhan Government Public Data Service - Accessible and Innovative Data Platform

Wuhan Government Public Data Service Website Overview

The Wuhan Government Public Data Service Website is an official platform established by the Wuhan Municipal People's Government to promote the sharing of data resources and social innovation. It has opened up 61 municipal departments/districts, 1,440 data catalogs, 1,369 datasets, 1,027 data interfaces, 12,051 data items, and 54.83 million data entries. The platform is characterized by the comprehensiveness, openness, ease of use, and security of data, ensuring the legal and compliant use of data. Users can access various government data of Wuhan City through the platform for market analysis, policy research, and the general public can also understand government service information closely related to life.

Website Access

For access to the Wuhan Public Data Open Platform, please visit Wuhan Public Data Open Platform.

Website Language

The platform primarily operates in Chinese and, to the best of our knowledge, does not currently support multiple languages.

Product Features

The platform is designed to serve a wide range of users, from government agencies to researchers and the general public. It offers features such as data comprehensiveness, ensuring a broad spectrum of data is available; data openness, allowing for public access and usage; ease of use, with a user-friendly interface; and data security, safeguarding the integrity and privacy of the information.

Industries and Fields Involved

The platform covers various fields and industries, including but not limited to urban construction, housing, finance, institutions, public services, market supervision, and education and culture.

Usage Scenarios

Users can leverage the platform for diverse purposes such as accessing open government data for market analysis, policy research, and understanding public services relevant to daily life. It serves as a hub for data-driven decision-making and innovation.

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