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Open Guangdong Platform: Guangdong Province's Official Government Data Open Platform

Introduction to Guangdong Province's "Open Guangdong" Government Data Open Platform

Overview of the Platform

The "Open Guangdong" platform is an official initiative by the Guangdong Provincial Government aimed at fostering the sharing of data resources and driving social innovation. It provides a comprehensive range of thematic data classifications, including resources and environment, economic construction, education and technology, transportation, social development, public safety, culture and leisure, health and wellness, and public services. The platform is designed to offer extensive data services to the public, businesses, and research institutions.

Access to the Platform

To access the "Open Guangdong" platform, visit https://gddata.gd.gov.cn. It is the gateway to a wealth of government data in Guangdong Province.

Language Support

The platform primarily supports the Chinese language. As of the current information, there is no mention of multilingual support; however, the platform is user-friendly and accessible to users with a basic understanding of Chinese.

Features of the Platform

"Open Guangdong" is characterized by its comprehensiveness, openness, ease of use, and security. It ensures the lawful and compliant use of data, providing a wide array of government data for market analysis, policy research, and public service information relevant to daily life.

Industries and Fields Involved

The platform covers various fields and industries, such as credit, transportation, agriculture, economy, informatization, culture, and land resources, making it a valuable resource for a diverse range of users and applications.

Usage Scenarios

Users of the "Open Guangdong" platform can engage in a variety of activities, including accessing and analyzing government data, developing applications based on open data, and staying informed about public services and policies that impact their lives and businesses.

Related Links

For further information and resources, please refer to the following links:

For more detailed information and updates, please visit the official "Open Guangdong" platform or contact the Guangdong Provincial Government's data management department.

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