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Overview of Peking University's College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Peking University's College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (CALA) boasts a history dating back to 1898, when architecture was recognized as an integral part of the "Imperially Mandated School Regulations." With its profound academic heritage, CALA has become a significant base for architectural education and research both domestically and internationally.

Education and Research Features

CALA offers a comprehensive education in various directions including architectural design, landscape architecture, and urban planning. The faculty is composed of renowned scholars and practicing experts, both nationally and internationally, who have achieved excellence in teaching and research.

Academic Resources and Practical Platforms

Equipped with rich academic resources, CALA has a specialized library and archives. The college also provides a variety of practical platforms for students, including design studios, laboratories, and internship opportunities.

International Cooperation and Academic Exchange

CALA actively engages in international cooperation and academic exchange, establishing cooperative relationships with several well-known international institutions, offering students and teachers opportunities for international perspectives and learning.

Website Access

For more information and to access the resources of Peking University's College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, visit the official website.

Website Language

The primary language of the website is Chinese, reflecting the college's roots and primary audience. However, in the pursuit of international academic exchange, some content may be available in English.

Product Features

CALA's website is tailored for students, educators, researchers, and professionals in the field of architecture and landscape design. It offers a wealth of academic content, including the latest research, academic lectures, and design work showcases.

Industries and Fields Involved

The website covers areas such as architectural design, landscape architecture, urban planning, and historical building preservation, catering to a wide range of industries within the architectural discipline.

Usage Scenarios

CALA's website and its offerings are used for academic research, education, professional development, and to facilitate international collaboration in the field of architecture and landscape design.

Reference Links

For further exploration and to stay updated with the latest from Peking University's College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, consider the following links:

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