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China Engineering and Consulting Association Overview

The China Engineering and Consulting Association (CECA), established in July 1985, is a national-level non-profit social organization in the field of engineering survey and design consulting industry, registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and recognized as a 4A-level national social organization in 2014.

Website Entry: http://www.chinaeda.org.cn/

Organizational Structure and Members

CECA's seventh council was elected on December 9, 2021, with 588 council members including 43 local survey and design associations, 21 departmental survey and design associations, and individual members comprising industry notables and registered professionals. The association has 27 branches, including 21 divisions and 6 working committees, and two direct institutions: the association's journal "China Survey and Design" and "Intelligent Building and Smart City" magazine.

Purpose and Responsibilities

CECA's purpose is to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by national laws and regulations, and practice the theory and core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its responsibilities include providing services, reflecting demands, regulating behavior, and serving as a bridge between the government and members to strive for high-quality and efficient development of the Chinese survey and design industry towards a world-class goal.

Main Business Scope

CECA's main business scope includes industry research, assisting the government in formulating relevant laws and regulations, establishing professional ethics and regulations, organizing industry statistics, publishing industry information, providing legal, policy, technical, management, and market consulting services, organizing talent, technology, management, and regulation training, organizing industry exchanges and technology promotion, selecting outstanding survey and design awards, undertaking government-commissioned tasks, etc.

Development History and Achievements

With over 30 years of development, CECA has kept pace with the times, promoting reform and innovation in engineering survey and design enterprises, guiding enterprises to enhance core competitiveness, maintaining industry market order, and contributing to the healthy development of the industry. Key achievements include assisting in the compilation and release of the "13th Five-Year Plan" and "14th Five-Year Plan", conducting annual development research, formulating and issuing guidelines for informatization work, establishing a credit assessment mechanism, organizing excellence competitions and rankings, compiling group standards, building exchange and discussion platforms, organizing industry training and cultural activities, and actively engaging in international exchanges.

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