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Introduction to Europan Norway

Europan Norway is a non-profit foundation dedicated to organizing the Europan competition in Norway, providing a platform for innovative urban and young spatial practitioners under the age of 40 to showcase and exchange ideas. The competition aims to offer innovative solutions for urban and open spaces tailored to local development needs, offering architects the opportunity to express their creativity. The cases displayed on the website mainly involve large-scale planning and cover various fields such as urban planning, architectural design, and landscape design.

Website Access

For more information and to access the Europan Norway platform, visit https://europan.no/.

Website Language

While the primary language of the Europan Norway website is Norwegian, its international scope and the nature of the competition imply that English and possibly other languages are also supported to accommodate a global audience of architects and urban planners.

Product Features

Europan Norway is characterized by its commitment to fostering innovation in urban development. It targets architects, planners, students, and the public interested in city development, offering them a space for dialogue, learning, and the promotion of sustainable urban strategies.

Industries and Fields

The platform engages with the fields of urban planning and architectural design, focusing on innovative thinking and sustainable development strategies that can be applied globally.

Usage Scenarios

Europan Norway serves as a hub for competitions, seminars, and educational projects, providing services such as international architectural competitions, workshops, and expert-led discussions to enhance urban planning and architectural standards.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

Community involvement is emphasized in the urban planning process by Europan Norway, ensuring that planning solutions meet the actual needs of the community and promoting sustainable urban environments through collaboration with local governments, NGOs, and the private sector.


Europan Norway contributes positively to urban development in Norway and globally through its diverse activities and projects, providing a platform for professionals to grow and exchange ideas, and supporting public participation and community development.

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