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Liaoning Geographic Information Public Service Platform - Comprehensive Geographic Data and Services

Overview of Liaoning Geographic Information Public Service Platform

The Liaoning Geographic Information Public Service Platform, known as "TianDiTu," is a comprehensive platform designed to provide developers with geographic information data and online services. It aims to meet the needs of various applications based on geographic information. The platform offers rich resources including map services, remote sensing data, and GIS tools, supporting developers in the development and research of geographic information applications.

Website Access

Access the platform through its official website at https://liaoning.tianditu.gov.cn.

Website Language

While the primary language of the platform is not explicitly mentioned, it is likely to be Chinese, considering the target audience. However, given the platform's public service nature, it may support multiple languages to accommodate diverse users.

Product Features

The platform is characterized by its comprehensive coverage and in-depth mining of Liaoning's geographic information. It provides detailed geographic data, including terrain, transportation, and administrative divisions, offering vital support for research and applications in urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster warning.

The platform's significant advantages lie in the comprehensiveness of geographic data and the real-time nature of remote sensing data. Users can easily integrate these data into their applications through the platform's API interfaces and development tools.

Industries and Fields

The platform serves various fields and industries, including but not limited to land resources, urban and rural construction, agriculture, forestry, water management, transportation, environmental protection, disaster reduction, meteorology, and oceanography.

Usage Scenarios

Beyond technical personnel, the platform also provides non-professional users with user-friendly map browsing and data query tools. With the platform's map tools, users can visually inspect and analyze geographic information, gaining a better understanding of Liaoning's geographic characteristics and trends.

The platform also features dedicated technical support and feedback sections to ensure users receive timely assistance and support during their usage.

Similar Website Recommendations

In addition to the Liaoning Geographic Information Public Service Platform, users may also visit the Shanxi Geographic Information Public Service Platform and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Geographic Information Public Service Platform for rich geographic information resources and services.

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