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AMap Traffic Health Report

The AMap Traffic Health Report is a service provided by AMap, aiming to offer a comprehensive assessment of urban traffic conditions through big data analysis. This report not only focuses on traffic congestion but also covers multiple dimensions such as traffic safety, modes of transportation, and destinations, providing references for travel decision-making.

Website Entry

Access the report through the official website: https://report.amap.com/

Website Language

The website is primarily in Chinese, however, it does not specify support for multiple languages.

Product Features

The AMap Traffic Health Report features a comprehensive index reflecting the overall condition of urban traffic. It includes indicators such as the Traffic Health Index, Congestion Delay Index, average speed, and car ownership rate per thousand people, providing a multi-dimensional analysis of traffic conditions.

Industries / Fields Involved

The report serves various fields including urban planning, traffic management, policy-making, and is beneficial for government planning departments, traffic management departments, urban planners, and citizens.

Usage Scenarios

It offers valuable insights for optimizing traffic planning, improving urban traffic efficiency, and providing travel advice to citizens to avoid congestion and save time.

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