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About Design Competition Network

The Design Competition Network, available at shejijingsai.com, is an online platform dedicated to the creative design industry, primarily serving Chinese design professionals, students from design institutions, and anyone interested in design competitions. This platform is renowned for sharing and releasing information about various domestic and international design competitions in real-time, covering a wide range of fields including architectural design, graphic design, product design, interior design, landscape design, visual communication design, and advertising art.

Website Features

  • Latest Competition Notices: The site updates in real-time with announcements of new design competitions, deadlines, registration processes, and competition rules.
  • Competition Details: Offers comprehensive background information on competitions, prize settings, judging criteria, and showcases of past winning entries.
  • Interactive Communication: May include forums or community sections for participants to exchange experiences, discuss design concepts, present preliminary ideas, or seek collaboration opportunities.
  • Resource Downloads: Provides contestants with necessary competition forms, design templates, and other related materials for download.

Industries and Fields Involved

The website covers a broad spectrum of design fields and industries, including but not limited to architecture, graphic design, product design, fashion, and more.

Usage Scenarios

The Design Competition Network serves as a hub for accessing the latest in design competition news, engaging with the design community, and downloading essential resources for participation in various contests.

Similar Website Recommendations

For a broader perspective, designers can also visit platforms like Behance, Dribbble, A' Design Award & Competition, The Design Week Awards, Red Dot, iF Design Award, China Design Window, Visual China, ZCOOL, and UI China for design competition information and community engagement.

Reference Sources

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