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Introduction to "City Planning" Magazine

"City Planning" magazine, a prestigious publication in the field of urban planning in China, has been sponsored by the Urban Planning Society of China and overseen by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development since its inception in 1977. The magazine is recognized as one of the core journals in Chinese literature for its rich content and professional perspective.

Magazine Content and Features

The magazine covers a wide range of topics in urban planning theory and practice, including urban planning and design, urban development strategies, urban infrastructure construction, and urban ecology and environmental protection. It serves as an academic platform for professionals and a window for the general public to understand the latest trends and research findings in urban planning.

Academic Value and Impact

With high-quality scholarly articles and in-depth case analyses, "City Planning" magazine has profoundly influenced the development of urban planning as a discipline. Many articles published in the magazine are widely cited and have become classic literature in the field.

Website Access

For further exploration and information, the official website of "City Planning" magazine can be accessed at https://www.planning.com.cn/

Website Language

While the primary language of the "City Planning" magazine is Chinese, considering its academic influence and international exchange, the website may support multiple languages including English.

Product Features

The "City Planning" magazine is characterized by its authoritative stance, catering primarily to urban planning professionals, researchers, policymakers, and enthusiasts. It offers comprehensive content and functions as a platform for academic exchange and knowledge dissemination.

Industries and Fields Involved

The website of "City Planning" magazine encompasses various domains related to urban planning, including but not limited to urban design, development strategies, infrastructure, ecology, and environmental conservation, targeting industries such as urban development, construction, and environmental management.

Usage Scenarios

"City Planning" magazine provides a variety of services and functionalities, such as academic articles, case studies, policy analysis, and research findings, catering to the needs of professionals and the curious alike.

Reference Sources

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