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China Virtual Herbarium Overview

The China Virtual Herbarium (CVH) is a research institution dedicated to the digitization of botanical specimens, facilitating modern information technology to convert traditional plant specimens into digital formats for research and educational purposes.

Importance of Digital Specimens

Digital botanical specimens hold significant value for plant science research, streamlining taxonomic studies and providing a scientific basis for the conservation and sustainable use of plant resources.

Collection Resources

With a vast array of plant specimen resources from various regions in China, the CVH leverages digital technology to make these specimens accessible and researchable globally, greatly enhancing the convenience and efficiency of research.

Research and Collaboration

The CVH maintains collaborative relationships with numerous domestic and international research institutions and universities, jointly advancing research in the field of botany.

Public Education and Engagement

Beyond its scientific applications, the CVH is also committed to public education, disseminating botanical knowledge through its website and related activities to raise awareness of biodiversity conservation among the general public.

Product / Website Introduction

The China Virtual Herbarium (CVH) serves as a comprehensive platform for botanical research, accessible to researchers, educators, students, and enthusiasts of botany worldwide.

Website Access

Access the China Virtual Herbarium through the official website at http://www.cvh.ac.cn/.

Website Language

While the primary language of the CVH is likely Chinese, given its international collaborations and audience, it may support multiple languages, including English.

Product Features

The CVH offers a range of features and content tailored for the botanical community, including a vast digital collection of plant specimens, research tools, and educational resources.

Industries / Fields Involved

The platform caters to various sectors within the botanical domain, including academia, conservation efforts, and biodiversity research.

Usage Scenarios

Researchers can utilize the CVH for taxonomic studies, educators can incorporate it into their curricula, and the public can engage with it for learning about plant diversity and conservation.

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