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Harbin Municipal People's Government Information Disclosure Guide | Official Portal

Introduction to Harbin Municipal People's Government Information Disclosure Guide

The Harbin Municipal People's Government Information Disclosure Guide is an official platform designed to provide comprehensive access to government information in accordance with the "Regulations on Open Government Information of the People's Republic of China." It serves to disclose all government information except for that which is exempted by law.

Website Access: To access the Harbin Municipal People's Government website, visit https://www.harbin.gov.cn.

Website Language: The website is primarily in Chinese, catering to its main audience within China, and currently does not offer multilingual support.

Product Features: The platform covers various aspects including institutional functions, work reports and targets from the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, daily work dynamics, policies and regulations, and administrative approval matters. It ensures that citizens, legal persons, or other organizations can timely understand and obtain relevant information.

Industries and Fields: The website spans a wide range of sectors including education, healthcare, transportation, environmental protection, economic development, and more, covering all administrative management areas of Harbin City.

Usage Scenarios: The website offers services such as information disclosure upon request, enhancing transparency and public participation. It also provides clear regulations on the fees for information disclosure, ensuring transparency and affordability, with provisions for fee waivers for economically disadvantaged citizens.

Information Dissemination Channels: Information is made public through multiple channels including the official portal, the municipal administrative service center, the government affairs public column on the government website, news media, and other forms, ensuring widespread and convenient information dissemination.

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