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Xiamen Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau - Official Website

Introduction to Xiamen Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau

The Xiamen Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau is a government agency responsible for the management of natural resources and the formulation of planning policies in Xiamen. It is dedicated to the rational use and protection of natural resources and the promotion of scientific urban planning and construction. The official website serves as an important platform for understanding the dynamics of natural resources and planning in Xiamen.

Website Access

For accessing the official website of the Xiamen Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, please visit http://zygh.xm.gov.cn/.

Website Language

The website is primarily in Chinese and currently does not offer multi-language support.

Features of the Website

#Geographic Information# - The website provides comprehensive geographic information data, including land use, urban planning, and marine resources, offering valuable data support for researchers and the public.

#Planning Dynamics# - The website regularly updates the planning dynamics of Xiamen, including the latest planning policies and project announcements, ensuring the timeliness and transparency of information.

#Service Guide# - The website has a service guide section, providing citizens and businesses with the processes and guides for handling related affairs, improving work efficiency.

#Regulations and Standards# - The website includes laws, regulations, and standards related to natural resources and planning, making it convenient for users to inquire about and understand related policies.

Industries and Fields Involved

The website covers fields such as urban planning, land management, environmental protection, and geographic information services.

Usage Scenarios

Researchers can access and download geographic information data through the #Geographic Data# section of the website.

Citizens interested in urban planning can stay informed about the latest planning information and participate in public opinion collection through the #Planning Dynamics# section.

Businesses can prepare materials according to the process outlined in the #Service Guide#, reducing unnecessary trips.

Related Links

For similar geographic information and planning resources, you may also visit:

#Geographic Data# - National Geomatics Information Bureau: [Link Entry]

#Urban Planning# - Shanghai Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Bureau: [Link Entry]

#Marine Resources# - National Marine Data Center: [Link Entry]

Reference Sources

Please refer to the following sources for more information:

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