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Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources - Land and Resource Management

Introduction to Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources

The Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources is the official authority for land and resource management in Shandong Province, China. It is responsible for the province's land spatial planning, land resource utilization, and mineral resource development.

The website, hosted by the Shandong Provincial Institute of Land and Resources Data and Remote Sensing Technology, offers a wealth of information on land resources and remote sensing technology. Users can access data on the current land use, mineral resource distribution, and geological environmental monitoring in Shandong Province through the website.

Additionally, the website provides policies and regulations, planning and statistics, helping the public to stay informed about the latest developments in natural resources in Shandong Province.

Website Access

For access to the Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources, please visit the official website at http://dnr.shandong.gov.cn/.

Website Language

The website primarily uses Chinese language, and it is not clear at this time whether it supports multiple languages.

Product Features

The Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources website is tailored for government officials, researchers, and the public interested in land and resource management. It provides features such as:

  • Land use status data
  • Mineral resource distribution information
  • Geological environmental monitoring data
  • Policies, regulations, and statistical information

Industries and Fields Involved

The website covers various fields and industries, including:

  • Land and resource management
  • Urban and rural planning
  • Environmental protection and monitoring
  • Agriculture and forestry resource management

Usage Scenarios

The Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources website serves various scenarios such as:

  • Land resource planning and management
  • Environmental monitoring and assessment
  • Policy and regulation research and implementation
  • Public awareness and information dissemination

Related Links

For more information, please refer to the following links:

Reference Sources

This report is based on the information available on the official website and is intended for informational purposes only.

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