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Zhongshan Municipal Government Data Open Platform - Official Data Sharing and Innovation Hub

Introduction to Zhongshan Municipal Government Data Open Platform

The Zhongshan Municipal Government Data Open Platform, established by the People's Government of Zhongshan City, is an official platform aimed at promoting the sharing of data resources and fostering social innovation. This platform serves as a gateway for external data opening, providing search and download services, and covers 11 key areas including economic construction, resource environment, education and science and technology, transportation, social development, public safety, culture and leisure, health, livelihood services, institutions and organizations, and urban construction.

Platform Access

To access the Zhongshan Municipal Government Data Open Platform, visit zs.gov.cn.

Language Support

The platform primarily operates in Chinese and, as of the current information, does not explicitly mention support for multiple languages.

Features of the Platform

Key features of the platform include comprehensiveness, openness, ease of use, and security of data. It ensures the lawful and compliant use of data, providing a variety of government data for market analysis, policy research, and public service information that is closely related to daily life.

Industries and Fields Involved

The platform serves a wide range of industries and fields, providing data that can be utilized for various purposes such as economic analysis, policy-making, and public service improvements.

Usage Scenarios

The platform offers a multitude of services and functionalities, including but not limited to data retrieval, analysis, and utilization for government transparency and public engagement.

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