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Ma'anshan Municipal People's Government Data Open Section - Official Data Portal

Overview of Ma'anshan Municipal People's Government Data Open Section

The Ma'anshan Municipal People's Government Data Open Section is an official platform established by the Ma'anshan city government to promote data sharing and social innovation. This platform offers a rich collection of datasets from various departments, including credit services, science and education, health, and economic construction, aiming to provide comprehensive data services to the public, businesses, and research institutions.

Website Access

Access the Ma'anshan Municipal People's Government Data Open Section by visiting the official website at mas.gov.cn.

Website Language

The platform primarily supports the Chinese language, ensuring accessibility for the majority of its users. While the platform's main language is Chinese, it may offer support for other languages to accommodate a broader audience.

Product Features

The platform is characterized by its comprehensiveness, openness, ease of use, and security, ensuring the lawful and compliant use of data. It is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from businesses conducting market analysis to individuals seeking information on government services related to their daily lives.

Industries and Fields Involved

The Ma'anshan Data Open Section covers a variety of industries and fields, including but not limited to economic statistics, demographic data, geographic information systems (GIS), environmental monitoring, and public safety information.

Usage Scenarios

Users of the platform can access various government data for activities such as market analysis, policy research, and understanding government services relevant to their lives.

Reference Links

For more information, please refer to the official website of the Ma'anshan Municipal People's Government Data Open Section.

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