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Zhejiang Data Open Platform - Official Data Resource Sharing and Innovation Gateway

Introduction to Zhejiang Data Open Platform

The Zhejiang Data Open Platform, established by the Zhejiang Provincial Government, serves as an official gateway for promoting the sharing of data resources and fostering social innovation. It provides a comprehensive range of data resources across various fields such as industry, agriculture, credit services, social assistance, legal services, medical and health services, urban construction, and ecological environment. The platform supports data querying, downloading, and API calls, aiming to enhance the social utilization and innovative applications of data resources.

Platform Access

Access to the Zhejiang Data Open Platform is available through its official website: Zhejiang Data Open Platform. Users can navigate to the site to explore and utilize the available data resources.

Language Support

The platform primarily utilizes Chinese for its interface and data presentation. Information regarding multilingual support is not explicitly mentioned; however, the platform's main focus is on serving Chinese-speaking users within Zhejiang Province and related stakeholders.

Features of the Platform

Key features of the Zhejiang Data Open Platform include comprehensiveness, openness, ease of use, and security. It ensures the legal and compliant use of data, catering to a wide range of users from government agencies to researchers and the general public.

Industries and Fields Involved

The platform serves various industries and fields, offering data that can be utilized for market analysis, policy research, and understanding government services closely related to daily life.

Usage Scenarios

Users of the Zhejiang Data Open Platform can engage in a multitude of activities, such as accessing government data for research purposes, leveraging data for business intelligence, and staying informed about public services relevant to their needs.

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