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Inner Mongolia

Inner Mongolia Geographic Information Public Service Platform - Comprehensive Geographic Data and Services

Introduction to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Geographic Information Public Service Platform

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Geographic Information Public Service Platform, known for its vast geographical coverage and rich data resources, is a comprehensive platform designed to provide geographic information data and online services to developers and institutions. It offers a variety of geographic data including topography, climate, vegetation, and land use, which are crucial for regional planning, resource management, and environmental protection.

Website Access

For direct access to the platform, visit the official website at https://neimenggu.tianditu.gov.cn/.

Language Support

The platform primarily supports the Chinese language. There is no mention of multilingual support in the provided information.

Key Features

Characterized by the diversity of geographic data and the precision of spatial geographic information, the platform provides API interfaces and development tools that allow for easy integration of data into applications. It also offers a user-friendly map browsing and data query tool for non-professional users to understand the geographical features and trends of Inner Mongolia.

Industries and Fields

The platform serves various industries including but not limited to natural resource management, urban planning, ecological studies, and government services, providing essential data for informed decision-making and policy development.

Usage Scenarios

Whether for technical personnel seeking data resources and development interfaces or for non-professional users looking for intuitive map browsing and data analysis, the platform offers a range of services and functionalities to meet diverse needs.

Related Links

For additional geographic information resources and services, consider visiting the Shanxi and Liaoning Geographic Information Public Service Platforms, which offer similar valuable data and services for geographic information analysis and application development.

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