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Introduction to Luban University

Luban University, part of the Luban Software platform, is a professional service dedicated to providing a space for exchange and learning for professionals in the construction and cost estimation industry. The platform includes BIM case analyses, video tutorials, live online courses, and BIM software training.

Website Entry

Access Luban University through the official website at http://www.lubanu.com/.

Website Language

While the primary language of Luban University is Chinese, catering to the Chinese market, there is no explicit information about multilingual support. However, the platform's focus suggests that it is predominantly Chinese.

Product Features

Luban University integrates Luban BIM modeling and quantity calculation software, system tutorial videos, as well as BIM certification and examination resources, offering a one-stop learning solution for industry professionals.

Industries and Fields Involved

Luban University serves the construction industry, targeting professionals such as architects, engineers, and cost estimators, providing them with rich learning resources and professional development opportunities to enhance their skills and adapt to industry needs.

Usage Scenarios

Luban University offers a variety of services and features, including live online courses, BIM case analyses, and software training, catering to the diverse learning and professional development needs of its users.

Related Links

For more information, visit the Luban University official website and explore the Luban Software's overview of their digital construction platforms.


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