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Harvard University Library Overview

Harvard University Library, one of the largest academic libraries in the world, boasts an extensive collection of over 18 million volumes and millions of electronic resources. It serves as a treasure trove for scholars and researchers across various disciplines.

Resource Discovery System

The Hollis resource discovery system at Harvard University Library provides a powerful search platform for users to access a wide array of academic materials, including books, journals, archives, manuscripts, and more.

Academic Information Pursuit

Through the Hollis system, users can effortlessly locate the scholarly information they need, be it for literature reviews, writing papers, or conducting in-depth research. Harvard University Library offers the necessary support for these endeavors.

Access and Utilization

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors of Harvard University can take advantage of these resources. Some materials are accessible online, while others, particularly special archives, require on-site consultation.

Website Access

To visit Harvard University Library, one can access the website at https://library.harvard.edu. This portal serves as the entry point to the vast array of resources and services offered by the library.

Website Language

The primary language of Harvard University Library's website is English. However, given its global reach and the diversity of its collections, the library supports access to materials in multiple languages, catering to an international audience.

Product Features

Harvard University Library is characterized by its vast collection, advanced technological infrastructure, and commitment to academic excellence. It primarily caters to students, researchers, and faculty, offering them a comprehensive range of content and functionalities.

Industries and Fields Involved

The library's resources span a multitude of academic fields, including but not limited to humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering, making it a versatile resource for a wide range of industries.

Usage Scenarios

Harvard University Library's resources and services are utilized in various scenarios such as academic research, coursework, scholarly publishing, and professional development. It provides a platform for knowledge discovery and intellectual growth.

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