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Niklas Alm - Swedish Photographer

Niklas Alm is a renowned Swedish photographer known for his distinctive still life photography style. His works often feature furniture, porcelain, and other objects, meticulously composed and post-processed to create dreamlike and imaginative scenes.

Website Purpose and Target Audience

The official website, www.niklasalm.se, serves as a portfolio for Niklas Alm's photography, catering to art enthusiasts, interior designers, and commercial clients seeking high-quality visual content.

Website Language

The website is primarily in Swedish, but given Niklas Alm's international presence, it likely offers multilingual support, including English.

Product Features

Niklas Alm's photography is characterized by attention to detail and emotional expression. His work delves into the exploration of color, light, and spatial relationships, often incorporating natural elements to create surreal atmospheres.

Industries and Fields

The website covers a range of fields including art, interior design, commercial photography, and more, appealing to a diverse audience within these industries.

Usage Scenarios

Visitors to the website can explore Niklas Alm's projects, view his latest news, and potentially collaborate with him for photography services. The site provides a platform for showcasing his artistic vision and professional expertise.

Related Links

For more insights into Niklas Alm's collaborations and international impact, one can refer to platforms like gooood, a leading architectural, landscape, and design portal in China.

Contact Information:
Email: niklas@niklasalm.se
Address: Located in Stockholm, Sweden

Reference Sources

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