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National Public Resource Trading Platform - Official Government Resource Trading Website

Introduction to the National Public Resource Trading Platform

The National Public Resource Trading Platform, hosted by the National Information Center and guided by the National Development and Reform Commission, is an official platform established to enhance the efficiency and fairness of public resource allocation, promoting openness and transparency in public resource trading. Accessible via http://www.ggzy.gov.cn/, the platform serves a variety of public resource transactions including land use rights, mining rights, government procurement, and construction projects.

Platform Features and Services

Featuring a unified online service system, the platform offers a range of functionalities such as project information release, transaction process management, and result announcements. These services provide a convenient interface for trading parties and channels for supervision by regulatory authorities and the public. Additionally, it provides policy and regulation inquiries, market entity information searches, and transaction data analytics to meet diverse user needs.

Industry and Field Involvement

Spanning across various sectors, the platform is involved in fields such as land and mining rights transactions, government procurement, and construction projects. It aims to reduce transaction costs, improve efficiency, and ensure fairness and transparency in trading.

Usage Scenarios

Users can access a comprehensive set of services through the platform, including but not limited to transaction management, policy inquiries, and market analysis. The platform's services cater to a wide array of users, from government bodies to private entities involved in public resource trading.

Interconnection with Local Platforms

The platform has achieved interconnectivity with multiple provincial-level platforms, such as those in Shaanxi Province, Hefei City in Anhui Province, Guangxi, Henan Province, Sichuan Province, Hainan Province, Beijing Municipality, Yulin City, and Pingnan County in Guangxi. This integration facilitates broader sharing and dissemination of public resource trading information, contributing to a unified, open, and orderly market environment.

Access and Utilization

Users can visit the official website of the National Public Resource Trading Platform to access and utilize the services provided. The site offers detailed guides and FAQs to assist users in understanding and utilizing the platform effectively.

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