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About Darkmap Global Light Pollution Map

Darkmap is an online service platform dedicated to providing a global light pollution map. The website presents interactive maps that quantify and display the degree of light pollution around the world using the Bortle Scale. It is particularly useful for astronomy enthusiasts, stargazers, and photographers seeking ideal locations for celestial observation.

On Darkmap.cn, you can:

  • View high-definition satellite data depicting the global distribution of light pollution.
  • Identify ideal observation sites with less light pollution in China and around the world.
  • Obtain detailed light pollution indicators for specific locations, such as SQM (Sky Quality Meter) readings.
  • Plan the best times and locations for stargazing or photographing the Milky Way based on the map information.

Darkmap.cn is committed to raising public awareness about the issue of light pollution and providing practical tools to help users find the best astronomical observation conditions.

How to View the Global Light Pollution Map

Different platforms and websites may have different operational steps for viewing light pollution maps and understanding light pollution levels, but they generally display through interactive maps. Here is the general process for using Darkmap.cn or similar platforms to view light pollution maps and levels:

  1. Visit Darkmap.cn: Open your browser and enter the website address https://darkmap.cn/ to access the site.
  2. Locate and Browse the Map: After the website loads, it will display the global light pollution map, which may default to your region. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in or out to find specific locations of interest, or enter a place name in the search box to find it.
  3. Identify Light Pollution Levels: Light pollution maps typically use color coding to represent the degree of light pollution, ranging from dark black (indicating the darkest, least light-polluted areas) to bright yellow or white (indicating the brightest, most light-polluted areas).
  4. Obtain Detailed Information: Hover your mouse over an area on the map to sometimes display specific light pollution levels or numerical indicators. For some feature-rich websites or apps, you may also be able to click on the map to get a more detailed light pollution data analysis report.

Darkmap Software and Developer Information

Darkmap is developed by the Astro-Communications APP. You can download the Astro-Communications app to use the corresponding features, which are available in mobile and mini-program versions. However, the light pollution map feature is not provided in the app, and it is recommended to visit Darkmap.cn directly on mobile devices to access the light pollution map functionality.

Other Light Pollution Map Tools

For other tools to view light pollution maps, you can visit:

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