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Ukiyo-e Search: Unveiling the Artistic Treasure Trove of Japanese Woodblock Prints

Ukiyo-e, a popular art form from the Edo period (1603-1868) in Japan, is renowned for its delicate lines and vibrant colors. Reflecting the customs, landscapes, theater, and beauty of the time, Ukiyo-e is not only an integral part of Japanese art history but also had a profound influence on world art, especially inspiring European Impressionist painters in the late 19th century.

Discovering Ukiyo-e with Ukiyo-e Search

The Ukiyo-e Search website serves as an online repository dedicated to Japanese woodblock prints. It offers a unique feature that allows users to find similar works by uploading photos of existing woodblock prints, making it convenient for art enthusiasts and researchers and enabling the public to engage with Ukiyo-e art more easily.

Image Search Functionality

Users can search for similar Ukiyo-e works across multiple collections by uploading images or pasting image URLs. This image-based search method greatly enhances the convenience and accuracy of the search process.

Comprehensive Artwork Database

The Ukiyo-e Search website boasts a collection of over 223,128 works, ranging from early Ukiyo-e to modern and contemporary pieces. The database includes works from various artists such as the famous Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Kunisada, and Utagawa Hiroshige.

Artists and Era Classification

The website categorizes its collection by different artists and eras, including early Ukiyo-e, the birth of full-color printing, the golden age of Ukiyo-e, the popularization of woodblock printing, the Meiji period, and the Shin-hanga and Creative Prints movements. This classification helps users better understand the development of Ukiyo-e.

Future Development of Ukiyo-e Search

Ukiyo-e Search is committed to providing better data, more images, and enhanced search capabilities. Users can subscribe to updates to be notified when new features are available, indicating the website's dedication to continuous improvement and user experience enhancement.


Ukiyo-e Search is a valuable resource that not only offers researchers and art enthusiasts an in-depth platform for understanding Ukiyo-e but also opens a window for the public to explore Japanese traditional culture and art.

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