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About Luojia-1 Night-time Remote Sensing Satellite

In the advancement of modern technology, remote sensing satellites have become vital tools for Earth observation and data collection. Wuhan University, as one of China's top academic institutions, has successfully developed and launched a remote sensing satellite named "Luojia-1". This article will introduce the background, purpose, and significance of this satellite.

Background of Luojia-1

Luojia-1 is named after the nickname of Wuhan University, "Luojia Mountain", symbolizing the university's emphasis on this high-tech project. This satellite is an important attempt by Wuhan University in the field of aerospace. It not only demonstrates the school's scientific research strength but also contributes to China's remote sensing technology and space science research.

Purpose of the Remote Sensing Satellite

The primary mission of remote sensing satellites is to collect images and data of the Earth's surface from space through sensors. As of October 25, 2018, the data coverage of the Luojia-1 satellite has reached 5,772 scenes, with a download total of 68,812 scenes. These data are of great value for fields such as environmental monitoring, urban planning, agricultural development, and disaster management.

Website Entry

To better manage users and data downloads, Wuhan University has added a data download registration process for Luojia-1. Users need to register through the official website to obtain download permissions. This process aims to track the application of the data while ensuring the security and privacy of user information.

Website Language

Although the specific languages supported by the website are not explicitly mentioned, considering the background of Wuhan University and the international nature of the project, it is likely that the website supports multiple languages, including but not limited to Chinese and English.

Features of the Product

Luojia-1 satellite features include its ability to provide high-resolution night-time imagery, support for economic analysis, urban planning, and disaster response. It is primarily aimed at researchers, urban planners, environmental scientists, and disaster management professionals.

Industries/Fields Involved

The satellite covers various fields and industries, including economic research, urban planning, environmental monitoring, agricultural management, and disaster response.

Usage Scenarios

Luojia-1 provides services and functionalities such as night-time imagery for urban mapping, economic activity analysis, environmental impact assessment, and support for disaster relief efforts.

Related Links

For more information and to access the data download service, please visit the official website: Luojia-1 Data Portal.


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