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360 Font Check: A Comprehensive Font Copyright Management Tool

Overview: 360 Font Check is an online service provided by Qihoo 360, designed to help users identify and manage font copyright issues on their computers. This service allows users to quickly understand whether the fonts installed on their computers are free for commercial use or require authorization.

Website Access: The official website for 360 Font Check is https://fonts.safe.360.cn/, where users can access the tool directly.

Website Language: The primary language used by the 360 Font Check website is Chinese, and there is no mention of support for multiple languages.

Product Features: The core features of 360 Font Check include a font copyright detection tool that automatically tags installed fonts as free or requiring commercial authorization, and a font search function that provides copyright information and allows for direct download if the font is free for commercial use.

Industries/Fields Involved: This tool is particularly useful in industries such as design, new media, advertising, and publishing, where the use of various fonts is frequent.

Usage Scenarios: 360 Font Check serves users by providing a simple and fast way to manage and use font resources. It is beneficial for both individual and commercial users to ensure they respect and comply with font copyright during their creative processes.

How to Use 360 Font Check

Detecting Installed Fonts: Users can visit the official website of 360 Font Check and click the "Check Fonts" button. The system will automatically scan the fonts on the computer and provide results.

Searching and Downloading Fonts: When in need of specific fonts, users can enter the font name in the search box. The system will display detailed information about the font, including its copyright status. If the font is available for free commercial use, users can download it directly.

Meeting User Needs

360 Font Check meets the needs of users in font copyright management. For designers, content creators, and anyone in need of using fonts, it is a valuable resource that not only helps avoid copyright issues but also provides a convenient channel for obtaining font resources.


360 Font Check is a practical and feature-rich font copyright management tool. With its one-click detection and search download functions, it offers users a simple and fast way to manage and use font resources, benefiting both personal and commercial users in ensuring they respect and adhere to font copyright in their creative endeavors.

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