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Introduction to Shenyang Jianzhu University's School of Architecture and Planning

Shenyang Jianzhu University's School of Architecture and Planning, established in 1984, is an integral part of Shenyang Jianzhu University with nearly four decades of educational history. The School upholds the educational philosophy of "seeking truth and innovation" and adheres to the concept of "rigorous scholarship and pursuit of excellence," continuously deepening educational reform and promoting the coordinated development of disciplines.

Website Access: http://jz.sjzu.edu.cn/

Language Support

The website primarily supports the Chinese language. However, given the nature of academic exchange, some content may also be available in English.

Faculty Strength

The School boasts a high-quality faculty of 115 members, including 96 full-time teachers. Among them, there are 61 with senior titles, 51 with intermediate titles, 76 master's supervisors, and 14 doctoral supervisors. The faculty includes several experts with provincial-level and above talent titles, such as national engineering survey and design masters and members of the State Council's disciplinary review group.

Disciplinary Construction and Professional Settings

The School offers three first-level doctoral degree authorization disciplines: Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, and Landscape Architecture, along with corresponding first-level master's degree authorization disciplines. It also has a post-doctoral research station for Architecture. Architecture and Urban and Rural Planning are key construction disciplines in Liaoning Province, while Landscape Architecture is an advantageous and characteristic discipline. All undergraduate majors of the School have been selected into the national first-class undergraduate professional construction list.

International Cooperation and Exchange

The School actively expands international cooperation and exchanges, establishing academic exchanges, research cooperation, and cooperative education relationships with more than 20 universities in over 10 countries and regions, including the Bauhaus University in Germany, Weimar University in Germany, the Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States, the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville in France, and the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Scientific Research Achievements and Practice

Over the past decade, the School has achieved significant results in scientific research and practice. The faculty and students have undertaken major projects of the national strategy "Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt Development Plan" - the urban design of the Liaodong Bay New Area, completing more than 300 design tasks at all levels, in all professions, and throughout the entire process. In recent years, the School has won 25 international and national awards and more than 40 provincial and ministerial awards.

School Facilities and Laboratories

The School is equipped with 5 provincial and ministerial key laboratories, 2 provincial engineering research centers, and engineering laboratories, forming a high-level talent training and international scientific and technological cooperation platform. These facilities provide a solid material foundation for the School's teaching and research activities.

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