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Introduction to Tianjin University School of Architecture

The School of Architecture at Tianjin University, with its origins dating back to 1937, has evolved into a leading institution in the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, and art design. The school's official website is accessible at http://arch.tju.edu.cn/ and serves as a comprehensive platform for academic exploration, student engagement, and international collaboration.

Academic Research

With a solid foundation in architectural design theory, architectural history, and building technology science, the School of Architecture boasts numerous national research platforms and has undertaken several national and ministerial research projects. The school's research achievements are highly reputed in the global architectural community.

Teaching Features

Leveraging rich educational reform outcomes, the school continuously breaks through disciplinary frameworks and iterates its teaching system. It has established specialized curriculum systems in smart architecture, digital heritage, green building, and urban design, creating an integrated and innovative architectural education characteristic.

International Exchange and Cooperation

The School of Architecture at Tianjin University has established extensive exchange and cooperation relationships with renowned universities worldwide. It sends a significant number of exchange students overseas annually and engages in joint design workshops with international universities, providing students with an international learning environment.

Talent Cultivation

Committed to nurturing leaders in the architectural industry with a sense of national pride and a global perspective, the school has produced numerous graduates who have made remarkable achievements in both domestic and international architectural fields, playing vital roles in major national construction projects.

Disciplinary Ranking and Accreditation

Tianjin University's architecture discipline is ranked 30th globally in the QS World University Rankings. The school's architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, and environmental design majors have all been approved as national first-class undergraduate programs. The Sino-French cooperative education project in architecture has been accredited by the Ministry of Education and awarded the title of "High-Level Sino-French Education Cooperation Project".

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