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Introduction to Harbin Institute of Technology School of Architecture

The School of Architecture at Harbin Institute of Technology, known for its prestigious status in architectural education and research in China, boasts a rich history and profound academic heritage. Established in 1920, the School has undergone numerous transformations and developments, shaping its current scale and characteristics. With a continuous five-time excellent level pass in the national architectural professional education evaluation and being selected as one of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate professional construction points, the School is renowned both domestically and internationally.

Website Entrance: http://arch.hit.edu.cn/

Website Language: The primary language of the website is Chinese, with potential support for multiple languages including English.

Features of the School of Architecture

The School's teaching is characterized by its international perspective and innovative talent cultivation model. It focuses on nurturing students' design innovation, engineering practice, and international capabilities, implementing a "two-in-one" school operation model and an international-oriented architectural professional talent cultivation model. The School also collaborates with top international institutions through academic advisory systems, joint training, and student exchanges.

Academic Research

Academic research at the School is fruitful, with national-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, virtual simulation experiment centers, and engineering practice education centers. Research areas include cold region architectural science, public building design, green building and energy-saving design, architectural heritage protection, and urban design, forming a discipline development direction characterized by "cold region architectural science."

International Cooperation

Committed to international education, the School has established long-term strategic partnerships with renowned universities and architectural institutions worldwide. It provides students with rich international exchange opportunities through joint degrees, joint designs, and student exchanges.

Student Development

Students from the School consistently achieve excellent results in domestic and international competitions, and graduates have a high employment rate, working in design institutions, real estate companies, government agencies, universities, and research institutions. The School also regularly holds academic forums and themed forums to provide students with an innovative entrepreneurship exchange platform for comprehensive development.

Industry/Field Involvement

The School is involved in various fields such as architecture, urban planning, landscape design, and industrial design, targeting professionals and students in these industries.

Usage Scenarios

As an educational institution, the School provides services and functions including academic education, research opportunities, international collaboration, and student development programs.

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