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Pixabay Overview

Pixabay is a globally renowned platform offering over 4.4 million free high-definition images, videos, and music materials. It has become the go-to resource for designers, bloggers, educators, business users, and other creative individuals worldwide. Its extensive visual content and open copyright policy have significantly promoted innovation and freedom of expression globally.

Website Access

For access to Pixabay's vast resource library, visit https://pixabay.com.

Website Language

Pixabay is available in multiple languages, catering to an international audience including, but not limited to, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French speakers.

Product Features

Pixabay stands out with its vast collection of high-quality images and videos, covering a wide range of themes from abstract art to concrete objects, and from natural landscapes to humanities and social sciences. Whether it's for creating eye-catching illustrations for presentations, selecting suitable cover images for articles, or simply changing personalized phone wallpapers, Pixabay provides a satisfactory solution.

Industries and Fields

The platform serves various industries and fields such as design and creative industries, education and academic research, news media and publishing, advertising and marketing, as well as personal and business projects.

Usage Scenarios

Pixabay's materials are used in diverse scenarios. Its flexible copyright policy under the CC0 license allows users to freely download, modify, copy, and distribute the content, even in commercial projects without the need to pay copyright fees or attribute the source. This simplifies legal constraints in the creative process, allowing users to focus entirely on innovation.

Related Links

For more information and to access the platform, please refer to the official Pixabay website.

Reference Sources

This report has been compiled using information from the official Pixabay website and other relevant sources.

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