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Introduction to 'XIN's Landscape Atlas' on Bilibili

'XIN's Landscape Atlas' is a prominent content creator on Bilibili, a leading video sharing platform in China. The channel is dedicated to the art and craft of landscape design, offering a wealth of knowledge and tutorials for enthusiasts and professionals alike. The primary audience for this channel includes landscape design students, professionals, and hobbyists interested in enhancing their drawing and design skills.

Website Access

To visit 'XIN's Landscape Atlas', navigate to the Bilibili platform and search for the user profile using the provided links below.

Website Language

The content is primarily in Mandarin Chinese. As of the current knowledge, the channel does not support multiple languages.

Product Features

'XIN's Landscape Atlas' is known for its detailed landscape design tutorials, case studies, and knowledge sharing. The channel provides insights into various aspects of landscape design, including plant drawing techniques, water features, and architectural elements.

Industries and Fields

The channel is focused on the landscape design industry, covering educational content, practical design applications, and artistic expression through hand drawing.

Usage Scenarios

Users can expect to find tutorials on hand drawing for landscape design, case study analysis, and access to a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for landscape architecture.

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