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Introduction to the Guyu Cup National College Students Sustainable Architectural Design Competition

The Guyu Cup National College Students Sustainable Architectural Design Competition is an official architectural design competition designated by the National Steering Committee for Architectural Discipline in Higher Education, and is exclusively sponsored by Beijing Guyu Times Education Technology Co., Ltd. This competition aims to promote academic exchanges in the field of architecture, stimulate innovative thinking among college students, and improve their practical design abilities.

Website Entry: For more information and to access the competition, please visit the official website at http://guyubei.tuituisoft.com/

Competition Theme and Background

The 16th edition of the Guyu Cup in 2022 is themed "24 Solar Terms - A New Market Connecting Tradition with the Future," exploring how to provide a reasonable and sustainable spatial form through architecture under the influence of the virtual economy, to continue the vitality of traditional markets. The background of the competition points out that with the transformation of the commodity economy, traditional market trade has been impacted, but market trade has a long history in China and is an important part of cultural traditions.

Purpose and Impact of the Competition

The purpose of the Guyu Cup competition is to guide architecture students to pay attention to the traditional form and future development of market development, to apply professional knowledge to promote the construction of people-oriented new markets. The competition encourages participants to explore the architectural and spatial forms suitable for the future market economy under digital technology, as well as sustainable green economic energy-saving technology. In addition, this competition is one of the highest-level and largest competitions in the national college students' digital architectural design competition, which has an important impact on the professional growth and academic development of participating students.

Features of the Guyu Cup Competition

The Guyu Cup Competition is characterized by its focus on sustainable architectural design, targeting college students majoring in architecture and related fields. It provides a platform for students to showcase their innovative design concepts and practical abilities. The competition includes various stages such as online registration, submission of entries, technical review, preliminary review, and finals.

Industry and Field Involved

The Guyu Cup Competition covers the fields of architectural design, urban planning, environmental engineering, and more. It is an interdisciplinary event that attracts participants from various professional backgrounds who are interested in sustainable development and innovative design solutions.

Usage Scenarios

The Guyu Cup Competition offers a range of services and functions, including but not limited to, the submission of design proposals, online judging, and live defense sessions for finalists. It serves as a platform for academic exchange, professional growth, and networking among students and professionals in the field.

Related Links

For further information and resources related to the Guyu Cup Competition, please refer to the following links:

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