Shows dashboards live in the Rhino viewport based on inputs from Grasshopper.You can connect geometry, colors and data with mouse over previews and more.By LINK Arkitektur
Eagle is an animation tool for grasshopper!
glTF-BinExporter (deprecated
(deprecated Use the PackageManger to install the package `glTF-BinExporter` instead.The downloads here are out of date.Export objects to the glTF format.
Mesh Mirror Cut
Trims a mesh at a plane then mirrors it over the plane and stitches the original + mirrored meshes together into one new clean symmetrical mesh.
Diagrams For Grasshopper
Diagrams for Grasshopper is an open-source plugin for Grasshopper to allow the creation of easy, repeatable diagrams from Grasshopper.
FluidRay is a fast & easy rendering software for architects, interior designers, jewelry designers, and product designers.
Acapulco by Rhenso is a toolset for geometry creation, analysis and organization. The commands have been proven useful in our daily work at imagine computation.
Fenix is a full-featured elastic finite element analysis and structural design plug-in for Grasshopper.
DistanceParallel Command
DistanceParallel is a python command for Rhino that measures the distance between two parallel planar surfaces.
Provides a set of tools to test and ensure your code/GH definition works as expected.
Botcha X Rhino
Simplify the modelling of 3D footwear, allowing users to model in 2D and remapping in 3D with a vast array of efficient tools that makes ever designer
Bombyx is a Grasshopper plugin for Life Cycle Assessment of buildings in early design stages.
Esquissons is a Grasshopper plugin which help you to design with sound. It sketches sound based on the sources and the geometries you declare !
Groundhog is a Grasshopper plugin and wiki exploring the applications of computational design in landscape architecture.
CommandTracker is a simple utility plug-in that tracks the command you run.
Bella for Rhino
Bella is a spectral renderer for Rhino 6, 7, or 8 (on Windows or MacOS that combines remarkable realism with ease of use.
Install via Package Manager
Hawk analyzes view and effects on the agents.
PackRat is a 3D bin packing component
Graphic user interface tools powered by cross-platform Eto.Forms
[Work In Progress] Condor is a plug-in that can scan the contours of scrap materials from CNC cutters, and export them into Rhino as contours.
Hypar Elements
This plugin enables you to build Hypar Functions with Grasshopper. Visit to learn more!
Pipe Corner Clean
Clean self-intersecting corners of a pipe.
Write CSharp components on-the-fly.
View construction drawings and models in augmented reality with 3mm (1/8" precision
FELIX online rendering now with real-time rendering
FELIX Render for Rhinoceros 3D
Adaptive Parts Environment
Dynamic blocks for Rhino designed in Grasshopper.
Customized solar rain-screen generator
Quickly layout and design customised solar facades as well as render them. This tool makes it easy to invisibly integrate PV in any project
The BeingAliveLanguage plugin provides a set of tools to automate the visualization of soil-related scientific information for design purposes.
Script-sync is a Rhino plug-in to run C# and Python (IronPython or CPython scripts in RhinoV8 directly from VSCode.