

Pebbles is a flexible, unit – based, tiling plugin for Grasshopper, which functions to either AABB patterns of tiles, or to create rule-based randomizations of tiles
TIE (Tensegrity Integration Element for Rhino
TIE ( Tensegrity Integration Element for Rhino is a tool to design tensegrity structure system.
3D Print validation
3D Print validation is consisted of two elements: area check and volume check.
X Slits
X Slits for Grasshopper Rhino 7
A tool to convert your 2D topographic plan into a 3D mesh
DEBB: Architectural Skin / Facades in minutes
DENVELOPS® & STUDIO SEED have developed DEBB, a free Grasshopper plugin for double skin architectural facades and cladding.
Octo Mass
OctoMass is a grasshopper provides a set of parametric design tools that can be used to create building mass alternatives and evaluate some simulation data results.
Sparrow is a Rhino 3D plugin delivering productivity boost by enhancing middle mouse button functionality.
by Keith J. Lee and Adam Burke
Grasshopper Loop
This is a simple loop tool for Grasshopper with 2 components, "Begin" and "End". The loop is realized with a static member in C#.
su Division
Fast segmentation by imitating su (only for plane, poor surface effect
Discover is a set of components for connecting Grasshopper models to the Discover optimization platform.
DixieVR | DixieIO
DixieVR | Immersive Multi-User Simulation for Architectural Conception
atträctor is an easy to use tool to transform grids according to given attractor geometry.
Spider is a Grasshopper plugin written in C#.It focuses on the structural form-finding method that can simulate different models of hanging chains.
This is the first release of my plug-in to create kitchen cabinets and boxes. This plug-in is not intended as a design tool but it's only f
Mesh Mirror Cut
Trims a mesh at a plane then mirrors it over the plane and stitches the original + mirrored meshes together into one new clean symmetrical mesh.
Notilus Clipper
Clipping Plane Tool For Rhino
Nursery is an agent based modelling and behavioural design framework for Grasshopper.
Convex Mesh Builder
Convex Mesh Builder is a plugin that allows the creation of convex hull meshes in Rhino.
Primate: Leap Motion for Grasshopper
This is Primate, the 1st plug-in to integrate Leap Motion with parametric design in Grasshopper. This component library of Primate includes:
SimpleMat for V-Ray
SimpleMat© the simplest and fastest material editor for V-RayforRhino.   VraySimpleMaterial_1.5.zip is the version for V-Ray 1.
The Rhinoceros solution for EDM and cutting toolpath
loop is a simple component to iterate generative shapes with Grasshopper®
Ibex is a terrain modeling plug-in that interfaces with ASCII files from ArcGIS.
seaUrchin is a plug-in harnessing the power of simple phyllotaxis algorithms to generate a diverse array of forms.
Point Placer
A tool to create random points, vividly representing the 3D space of closed polysurface objects.
Botcha X Rhino
Simplify the modelling of 3D footwear, allowing users to model in 2D and remapping in 3D with a vast array of efficient tools that makes ever designer
DevSrf is a Rhino plugin for making developable surfaces
Funicular Form Finding The Rhinoceros® Plug-In RhinoVAULT emerged from current research on structural form finding using the Thrust-Network-App